Team > Dr. Anja Ramsperger

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Physikalisches Institut
M. Adler, I. Issoual, M. Rückert, L. Deloch, C. Meier, T. Tschernig, C. Alexiou, F. Pfister, A. Ramsperger, C. Laforsch, U. Gaipl, K. Jüngert and F. Paulsen
Effect of micro- and nanoplastic particles on human macrophages
471, 134253 (2024)
S. Wieland, A. Ramsperger, W. Groß, M. Lehmann, T. Witzmann, A. Caspari, M. Obst, S. Gekle, G. Auernhammer, A. Fery, C. Laforsch and H. Kress
Nominally identical microplastic models differ greatly in their particle-cell interactions
Nat. Commun. 15, 922 (2024)
Featured in Nature Communications Editor’s Highlights
A. Ramsperger
Environmental Microplastics : How the Surface Properties of Microplastic Particles Determine their Particle-Cell Interactions
Dissertation (2024), Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT
S. Saha, C. Laforsch, A. Ramsperger and D. Niebel
Mikroplastik und dermatologische Versorgung
74, 27-33 (2023)
A. Ramsperger, E. Bergamaschi, M. Panizzolo, I. Fenoglio, F. Barbero, R. Peters, A. Undas, S. Purker, B. Giese, C. Lalyer, A. Tamargo, M. Moreno-Arribas, H. Grossart, D. Kühnel, J. Dietrich, F. Paulsen, A. Afanou, S. Zienolddiny-Narui, S. Eriksen Hammer, T. Ervik, P. Graff, B. Brinchmann, K. Nordby, H. Wallin, M. Nassi, F. Benetti, M. Zanella, J. Brehm, H. Kress, M. Löder and C. Laforsch
Nano- and microplastics : a comprehensive review on their exposure routes, translocation, and fate in humans
NanoImpact 29, 100441 (2023)
C. Laforsch, A. Ramsperger and S. Ritschar
Mikroplastik und der mögliche Einfluss auf die menschliche Gesundheit
In: Klima-und Gesundheitsschutz : Planetary-Health-Lösungsansätze, eds.: Viviane Scherenberg, Johanne Pundt
Bremen : Apollon University Press, 131-158 (2023)
S. Wieland, A. Balmes, J. Bender, J. Kitzinger, F. Meyer, A. Ramsperger, F. Roeder, C. Tengelmann, B. Wimmer, C. Laforsch and H. Kress
From properties to toxicity : comparing microplastics to other airborne microparticles
J. Hazard. Mater. 428, 128151 (2022)
C. Laforsch and H. Kress are joint corresponding authors
T. Witzmann, A. Ramsperger, S. Wieland, C. Laforsch, H. Kress, A. Fery and G. Auernhammer
Repulsive Interactions of Eco-corona-Covered Microplastic Particles Quantitatively Follow Modeling of Polymer Brushes
Langmuir 38, 8748-8756 (2022)
featured as journal cover image
A. Ramsperger, J. Jasinski, M. Völkl, T. Witzmann, M. Meinhart, V. Jérôme, W. Kretschmer, R. Freitag, J. Senker, A. Fery, H. Kress, T. Scheibel and C. Laforsch
Supposedly identical microplastic particles substantially differ in their material properties influencing particle-cell interactions and cellular responses
J. Hazard. Mater. 425, 127961 (2022)
A. Weig, M. Löder, A. Ramsperger and C. Laforsch
In situ Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Communities on Microplastic Particles in a Small Headwater Stream in Germany
12, 660024 (2021)
A. Ramsperger, V. Narayana, W. Gross, J. Mohanraj, M. Thelakkat, A. Greiner, H. Schmalz, H. Kress and C. Laforsch
Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells
Sci. Adv. 6, eabd1211 (2020)
H. Kress and C. Laforsch are joint senior authors
J. O´Connor, A. Mahon, A. Ramsperger, B. Trotter, P. Redondo-Hasselerharm, A. Koelmans, H. Lally and S. Murphy
Microplastics in Freshwater Biota : A Critical Review of Isolation, Characterization, and Assessment Methods
Global Challenges 4, 1800118 (2020)
A. Ramsperger, A. Stellwag, A. Caspari, A. Fery, T. Lüders, H. Kress, M. Löder and C. Laforsch
Structural Diversity in Early-Stage Biofilm Formation on Microplastics Depends on Environmental Medium and Polymer Properties
Water 12, 3216 (2020)
Selected as Editor’s Choice Article
C. Laforsch, A. Ramsperger, S. Mondellini and T. Galloway
Microplastics : A Novel Suite of Environmental Contaminants but Present for Decades
In: Regulatory Toxicology, eds.: Franz-Xaver Reichl, Michael Schwenk
Berlin : Springer, 1-26 (2020)
B. Trotter, A. Ramsperger, P. Raab, J. Haberstroh and C. Laforsch
Plastic waste interferes with chemical communication in aquatic ecosystems
Sci. Rep. 9, 5889 (2019)
H. Imhof, R. Sigl, E. Brauer, S. Feyl, P. Giesemann, S. Klink, K. Leupolz, M. Löder, L. Löschel, J. Missun, S. Muszynski, A. Ramsperger, I. Schrank, S. Speck, S. Steibl, B. Trotter, I. Winter and C. Laforsch
Spatial and temporal variation of macro-, meso- and microplastic abundance on a remote coral island of the Maldives, Indian Ocean
Mar. Pollut. Bull. 116, 340-347 (2017)

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Physikalisches Institut
Dr. Anja Ramsperger
Postdoc (gemeinsam betreut mit Prof. Christian Laforsch)
Universität Bayreuth
Biologische Physik
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (0)921 55-2433, +49 (0)921 55-2509